Velika imena o velikim temama kardiologije – intervjui sa povodom | Meet the legends: what is hot today in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases?
Patrick W. Serruys (Galway, IE), Antonio Colombo (Milano, IT), Gregory Y. H. Lip (Liverpool, UK)
Interviewers: Goran Stanković (Belgrade, RS), Tatjana Potpara (Belgrade, RS), Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS)
In 2022 and beyond, routine stenting may not be the default approach to PCI / Da li je budućnost perkutanih koronarnih intervencija bez stenta?
Antonio Colombo (Milano, IT)
PCI or CABG: the enduring legacy of SYNTAX / PCI ili bajpas hirurgija: trajne pouke SYNTAX studijskog programa
Patrick W. Serruys (Galway, IE)
CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score: past, present and future / CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc skor: prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost
Gregory Y. H. Lip (Liverpool, UK)